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Postby VictoriousC137 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 4:14 pm

Hello everyone, I'll just get to the point.

I'm very new at using digital gear. I recently bought a tonex pedal, I created two presets using Amplitube 5, I managed to upload them on the and to save them as a file on my computer. I even see them when I access the on Amplitube 5.

Now I wanna download them to my pedal. I open the tonex software, I find my pedal but I don't find my presets on on tonex software, I cannot open the files on my computer and the software doesn't recognize them. I don't find any videos or forums refering to this speficic problem. The only thing I found was here and it's not updated, apparently.

Anyone knows what I'm missing? I cannot believe that this pedal with such great reviews doesn't allow me to use presets I created myself.
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Postby Peter_IK » Wed Oct 23, 2024 4:53 pm

TONEX Pedal uses TONEX (capture) technology, not AmpliTube (modeling) thus your TONEX Pedal will load TONEX Tone Models not AmpliTube presets.
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Postby VictoriousC137 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 11:12 pm

Meaning, if I want to have a preset with, let's say delay, I have to find one? I'm not able to ajust it to my taste?
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Postby Peter_IK » Thu Oct 24, 2024 12:49 am

VictoriousC137 wrote:Meaning, if I want to have a preset with, let's say delay, I have to find one? I'm not able to ajust it to my taste?

You cannot load AmpliTube presets on TONEX Pedal at all. TONEX Pedal has noise gate, compressor and reverb which you can adjust in the software or on the pedal. There will be an update soon to add some modulation effects, delay, an improved noise gate, and more but those will still be in TONEX, not AmpliTube and you cannot put your AmpliTube 5 presets with AmpliTube effects on your TONEX Pedal.
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Postby JeffSchmitz64 » Sat Oct 26, 2024 1:42 pm

That being the case, the question becomes, how would I go about playing a Tonex Preset (.at5p file) on a real speaker?
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Postby Peter_IK » Sun Oct 27, 2024 5:24 am

JeffSchmitz64 wrote:That being the case, the question becomes, how would I go about playing a Tonex Preset (.at5p file) on a real speaker?

An at5p file would be an AmpliTube preset. You'd need a computer and audio interface in order to play those through a powered speaker, PA, etc.
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Postby JeffSchmitz64 » Sun Oct 27, 2024 12:43 pm

An at5p file would be an AmpliTube preset. You'd need a computer and audio interface in order to play those through a powered speaker, PA, etc.

Is this something people actually do? If not, what is the real use of Amplitube/ToneNet presets?

As a side question, I think it would be helpful if there were different terms for Tonex Presets (Tonex tone models with a few dials changed) that CAN be sent to Tonex Pedal and Amplitube/Tonenet Presets, which can include a whole chain of pedals and can't be sent to a Tonex Pedal. Perhaps there is?

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Postby Peter_IK » Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:05 pm

AmpliTube 5 and TONEX are completely different technologies so that is not possible. We are adding FX to TONEX (software and also available on the pedals) in an upcoming free update so you may want to look into that if you want a single pedal with both TONEX Tone Models of amps/cabs/etc plus effects.
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Postby JeffSchmitz64 » Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:26 pm

Just found the youtube on it. that sounds awesome. Will ToneNet support tone models with FX?
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Postby Ozmkablazm » Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:43 am

sorry 'bout this but I couldn't help but feel a bit led astray here by something I just started using for information.

very new to AI until just very recently.

I knew You couldn't get effects but I did think You'd be able to use the Amps from Amplitube because I asked Bing Copilot and it kept assuring Me that I can use the Amp Models on Amplitube and use THEM in the ToneX Pedal without being attached to a PC/Laptop with Amplitube.

because of the Black Friday sales I rushed to do this and even got Amplitube Max because of some of the extra amps (and also thought that maybe a couple of the Pedals could work given the type of pedal it was).
I seen that most of the ToneX captures on the on some of the ToneX Collections had Cabs baked into them and I wanted to be able to soon use an IR pedal (or perhaps a ToneX One) because I seen people suggest elsewhere that I could be put My pedal effects in between the output of the ToneX to use essentually as an effect loop for certain pedals I'd normally put in an amps effect loop.

I'm not saying I don't like Amplitube 5 or Amplitube 5 MAX.
just that I was lead to believe something that wasn't so. not that ToneX isn't Awesome (especially when I get those things up and running.) but...well...shouldn't an A.I. know better???

so I hope I'm not ruffling any feathers or anything, You have great products for sure. I've used Amplitube Many years ago at a Friend's house and I imagine it's most definitely gotten much better since then. but I wish that the Microsoft Bing Copilot wasn't so sure and that I could have known better before the Recent Rush of Black Friday Deals (that's what I'm guessing they are anyway, cause I got the ToneX Pedal for $299 at Guitar Center on I think Monday or Tuesday of this week).

does Make Me wonder though. that if it's possibly in the future for the ToneX Pedal to be able to use the amps from AmpliTube in a future Firmware & Software update.

I have just gotten the Pedal and the software with it yesterday, and today I went to work on it trying to see what it can do, and what the limitations were and where.

I like shaping the tone to My to the best of My liking and I thought "what if I can't get the capture to be modifiable in the ways I intended. not enough gain even though it's a high gain amp, dialing a tone in in the ways I would want (similar enough to how the tone-stacks in the amps themselves would respond...Give or take).
I'm happy to get the pedal and the software of course. but My wallet is hurting quite a bit. and some of that is due to Copilot A.I. giving Me false information. because it's been pretty good/useful at pointing Me towards finding other information on musician/instrument related content.

sorry...I have Asperger's Syndrome (along with other mental & physical disabilities)...please try not to be too judgy if You can with Me yet if You can. I promise that when You get to know Me I'm pretty good people.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. tipping My glass of diet coke to You and sending out a "Cheers" to You all.
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Postby Peter_IK » Fri Nov 29, 2024 7:49 pm

We do not control Microsoft's AI product. We do not state that AmpliTube gear can be loaded on TONEX Pedal. Our site specifies that TONEX Pedal is for loading TONEX Tone Models, I'm sorry if that was not clear to you. I will relay your concerns to the team.
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Postby Ozmkablazm » Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:56 pm

Understood. I didn't think any of the people at IK Multimedia had any fault in My confusion. I put the blame on several factors but not the people at IK Multimedia or anyone who might be blamed in any way that is affiliated with IK Multimedia. I've heard a lot of good things about the ToneX and many people are raving about how good the amps and other effects are in comparison to similar products with a higher price-point.

this is definitely an issue I will raise with Microsoft and the people in charge of their A.I.
hopefully I can get a hold of them and straiten this out a bit better.

My fault was the rush of trying to find and process the information I could gather during the time-frame of the Black Friday Sales and being naive enough to trust Microsoft's A.I. without hearing it from someone like Yourself. My apologies for any and all misinterpretation on My part.
if I see someone making this mistake anywhere I have a presence I will correct them and assure them that aside from that the ToneX Pedal is an excellent product and from what I've gathered since yesterday so is Amplitube 5 and the extra features you get from Amplitube 5 Max are definitely up to par from what I've checked out so far. Thank You for clearing up the issue so there is no confusion. wishing You and the team there at IK the best (and I mean that with all sincerity).
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Postby Peter_IK » Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:07 pm

Honestly it would be great to see where they get their information provided from your prompts, but I'm not sure how forthcoming Microsoft would be in that regard. That way, if we have some content that confuses AI on our site or FAQ I'd love to figure out how to change it or let them understand so it would be more accurate. With the AI revolution here, it would be great if we could all help make it better rather than be a bit of a Wild West :)
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Postby VictoriousC137 » Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:14 pm

I think it's only fair to say that:

Tonex has a new update. Now everyone can add modulations, noise gate, delay, etc to the preset before they upload to the pedal, where you can ajust some things manually. This is a great update!
The software still has some issues but I gotta say, as a bass player I'm more than happy with my pedal. I can't wait to test it live.

Tip: if you're testing presets on the software, make sure you pedal is NOT plugged in, otherwise you're gonna hear to different sounds, one from the preset, one from your pedal.
I suggest using a interface (like focusrite) and change the settings, making the interface the input source.

Thanks to everyone who answered this post.
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