Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby mv2112 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:49 am

Definitely some love for the bass players. I’m not alone in asking and finding the lack of offerings frustrating. How about a non-Ampeg through the years Bassists Collection thing... McCartneys Vox, many a rock bands Marshall bass (Lemmy?), through the likes of John Wetton/Chris Squire/Gerry Lee but don’t forget to make a detour through the more varied (and less guitar orientated) brands of less vintage times. Sunn, Trace Elliot, GK, SWR, Eden, and especially Hartke for the cabinets alone.

Wandering back to the six string world, a proper up to date Vox Collection in line with the Fender offering.. original Ac4,10, 15 and 30 as well as the newer Bruno and Night Train. If that’s not possible for licensing reasons then what about Selmer (zodiac, corvette etc)?
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby knelt » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:50 am

nickbussy wrote:The ability to use the cab room mics without a cab would be interesting. eg. As a convolution reverb for ambience on a dry DI signal such as mic'd up acoustic instruments.

+ 1000 on that one!!!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby HappySpaceInvader » Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:33 pm

auggybendoggy2 wrote:Full screen mode or at least let the windows resize to max screen.

Or even just resize the screen any old how! It looks ridiculously tiny on my 4K display.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby mv2112 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 11:24 pm

Using an iPad as a Logic Remote with AmpliTube is a poor user experience. The UI for Logic Remote doesn’t receive any look and feel of the controls and defaults to vague labelling. Probably an Apple thing more than yourselves but would be an awesome improvement if you can make it happen.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby thesteven » Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:43 am

Would like an AmpliTube Collection of all the components - mics, amps, cabinets, etc. included in AmpliTube MAX but NOT in any of the other collections.

I currently own all the Amplitube Collections (except, for the moment, Brian May) and there is no way except through exhaustive foraging through the Custom Shop or by paying a disproportionate upgrade fee for the AmpliTube Max upgrade to get the missing pieces.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby thesteven » Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:46 am

A sliding price scale for AmpliTube MAX based on what Collections you currently own.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby StevenMikel » Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:17 am

gatorstudio wrote:David Gilmour, Eddie Van Halen, or Eric Johnson bundles.

+1 An EVH bundle with a variaced plexi would be awesome
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby StevenMikel » Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:21 am

alistairb wrote:Some stuff for the bass players.

A clean blend on every effect slot would let us use more of the fx models effectively.

Darkglass B7K, Alpha Omega, Vintage Microtubes models.

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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby FrThib » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:38 pm

An iron maiden package would be great.

They used a lot of distinct gear
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby smallpotatos » Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:23 pm

My number one request that I haven't seen would be the ability to use effects/amps of Amplitube just like T-Racks: AS SINGLES!!! [mod redacted: untrue and unnecessary] Obviously, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable crossgrade fee.

And, of course, more and better amps, pedals, etc.

Besides that, I've gone through most of the thread and quoted everything else I'd like to see. You'll notice that most of what I'm concerned with is usability of the product instead of gear slutiness.
NOTE: I've deleted a few points from various contributors' posts either because they weren't important to me, or redundant. wrote:I would like to see stereo capability on the front end. I.E.: stereo output stomp boxes, like chorus and delay, that can input into the two different amps.

jjguitar wrote:
  • Make the same large quality GUI as T-Racks 5 !
  • There should be measurement (numbers, Inch …) in the cab section for mic distance.
  • A "Compare" button like the one in T-Racks 5.

zapata71 wrote:
  • The Amplitube browser: it would not be bad if it could also have search functions for custom tags, or/and for Amp Models, Stomps, Speakers, etc.
  • Would it be possible to increase the set of speakers available? For example: the 8inches models, the 10inches models, like th Celestion series, or Jensen, Eminence, etc ...
    Maybe even some speakers broken, or demagnetized, etc...I know it seems a strange request, but (for example) a true Delta blues needs really ruined speakers :D

Soundwise wrote:
  • Quality polyphonic pitch-shifting used for whammy, harmony, chorus and any other pitch effect.
    Just take a look what DigiTech and EHX have in their product lines.
  • IR loader and mixer! Something similar to the NI ToneRoom Pro, but with the ability to load user IRs and mix them.
  • Disable and bypass buttons for every module available globally, that is without clicking that module to change the current view and then click again to enable/disable it.

bart.childers wrote:My Big Wishes for AmpliTube:
  • Advanced noise reduction - something better than a gate - the Noise Reduction module in GuitarRig is quite good (as an example)
  • Improve the cascading menu behavior - My god it is SO frustrating to keep re-selecting options when the menu collapses b/c I didn't keep my mouse pointer precisely aligned over the selection when I move it over to click the next item. Makes my blood boil and sucks too much joy out of playing electric guitar. Please -for the love of all this is holy - fix this.

LordObsidious wrote:Here are my suggestions:
  • Finish the Tone Cloud? There's a link in my program for it, but it goes to a dead website.
  • Add tone matching..... but do it right or don't do it all.
  • Update some of your amps. The Metal V especially needs love, it's lack luster compared to basically every other 5150 sim and having a good 5150 sim is just as important as having a good marshall sim (of which you have many)
  • Put a grid on the mic placement section. Even if it doesn't equate to "real world distance", there was no reason to remove the grid between AT3 and AT4.
  • Building on that, take a look at Revalvers cab section. I like that you can freely move the mic anywhere in Amplitube but at the same time i think you should have "reference" spots users can click on for common mic placements if they want to. This would help novices who don't really get how to mic a cab.
  • Automated input trim. A lot of modern sims do this now and it's helpful with people who swap guitars with different output pickups a lot. I use a trim plugin to compensate, but auto trim would be better.
  • Fix the noise gate/tuner. Amplitube is notorious for having a terrible built-in noise gate and tuner, although this is partially fixed by the slash noise gate and the ultra-tuner.
  • Make an official in-depth tutorial video. The "here watch ola's video" thing, not effective.
  • Add Off-axis mic positioning.
  • Update the microphones. Some of them, like the 57, seem a bit off in their frequency response.
  • Clean up the Fizz/digital low end. A lot of the high gain amps are over the top fizzy or way too overcompensated on the low end, even with minimal gain.

frthib wrote:
  • I would really like a way to see only gear the gear I own in the amplitube UI.
  • I'm not in love with the wood floor in the UI. A simple black background would do the job.
  • The digital reverb really needs an update (room, hall, plate, gate setting). Way too strong, I only use the first 5% of the mix. Maybe offer a switchable control so the knob only affect the first 10% of the mix settings?
  • Some generic pedals graphics are soso. Maybe make them less cartoony. On better : is skeuomorphism mandatory? Think outside the box.
  • An "A/B" switch state button would be beneficial when testing settings
  • More mic choice and positions (unidyne 545, e906, off axis, back of cab).
  • A button or a way to see the distance (X and Y) value to put the mics at the same distance would be great. As of right now it's guessing.
  • The cap-edge is more significant than the rest of the speaker. A way to magnify the mic positing in that position would be a great tool.

dmitch wrote:Here's my wish list:
  • A good reverb or three. The Fender '63 is better than the free one, but it's not very versatile. AT really needs a reverb with some options - plate/room/hall/arena, delay, diffusion, etc. Like a real reverb.
  • I might be missing something but the Custom Shop is pretty hard to navigate. Want to see Fender cabs? Well, if you go to Brand > Fender, you have to go through a page of stomp boxes, then two pages of amp heads, before you get to cabs. Searching for "Fender Cab" or "Fender Speaker" (without the quotes) is even worse, that adds in the rack effects before the speakers. Searching for "Fender Speaker" or "Fender Cab" (with the quotes) shows nothing.

carlaz wrote:I should like an easier way of jumping between different models than navigating through the menus .... I'm thinking, like, a right-click on the image of the given model in the interface pops access to other models of that type (amp heads, cabs, pedals, speakers, etc. -- maybe with "recently used" and/or suggested/similar models first .....

thesteven wrote:A sliding price scale for AmpliTube MAX based on what Collections you currently own.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby » Mon Nov 11, 2019 5:47 pm

[mod redacted, this is not a support forum nor a thread to post issues, please reply to your existing ticket(s) or open a new ticket and the team will certainly assist you to your satisfaction. Also please see the guidelines at viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19505 with regard to posting when you already have a ticket in progress. Also review the rules about general posting, forum rules are linked above]

I wish a cab Loader in the standalone version too.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby amplitubeuser » Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:06 pm

Feature request for Windows:

Be able to use "live mode" without iRig Stomp I/O.

I dont care for the pedal-board and switch buttons,
I just want a mode with simple GUI and bigger fonts.

If this view is already exists, why not add an option to use it with iRig HD ?
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby jabryant1961 » Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:33 pm

DDemase1174 wrote:* Full official Marshall, Peavey, Vox, Electro/Harmonix, Dunlop/MXR and Roland/Boss collections in the tradition of your Fender, Mesa/Boogie and Ampeg collections.

* Upgrade the amp and stompbox models featured in Amplitube Free

* An official "Beatles" collection covering the amps, mics, stompboxes, outboard effects, etc. they used live/studio (in the vein of the Jimi Hendrix pack)

* Official Eddie Van Halen, Joe Satriani, David Gilmour, Jimmy Page and/or Stevie Ray Vaughan collections

+1 - Definitely on the Beatles pack, but the other suggestions are very good too!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby stretch666 » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:34 am

Please make the preset browser categories rearrange-able.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby amplitubeuser » Sun Nov 17, 2019 4:58 pm

Feature request:

Add some option to see the "health" of the app on the machine/cpu,
in similar way to how YouTube added "Stats for nerds".

This should show latency, if there are dropped frames/buffer,
and give indication if the machine/cpu is capable of running AT4 with best results,
or that the output is compromised.
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