how to make UNO synth to communicate with this software? When I connect to and open the uno synth editor ,nothing happens.
Just says Waiting for UNO. DO I need to do something to make it work?
Peter_IK wrote:Please make sure you have the latest firmware installed from your IK User Area, as that is required for connectivity with the UNO Synth Editor.
seifmadih wrote:Or do i need some audio interface or something ? as i see people directly connecting the synthesizer to their DAW
4vientos wrote:UNO connects to it's editor when it's usb cable is connected
to the win7 computer usb port. But the synth is far too noisy.
If I plug UNO usb into a phone charger, or use batteries,
it is quiet, but the editor won't connect. I have tried
the process with typical series of actions, restarting the daw,
(Bitwig and Reaper) restarting the editor and varying the settings,
repeating attempts after rebooting, using different usb cables etc mcYada.
Can anyone that has had this problem, confirm
that a firmware update fully fixed it? As far as I know,
the firmware editor is not win7 compatible.
Whereas AXE-I/O has had solid win7 support from the start.
Peter_IK wrote:I found this FAQ useful when the editor was saying "Waiting for UNO"