Dual Guitar Sim

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Dual Guitar Sim

Postby mattdaluge » Tue Dec 25, 2018 5:05 pm

Is there any easyish way to run the characteristics of 2 different presets, one on the right and one on the left, at the same time? Hoping to simulate a 2 guitarist live sound. AmpliTube 4 desktop
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Re: Dual Guitar Sim

Postby Ryan_IK » Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:50 pm


Thanks for your post!

Yes, this is possible using two audio tracks in AmpliTube 4. Make sure to use the 'R' or Record Arm function to get your second track ready for recording, then use the 'FX' button to enable AmpliTube on this second track.

Another option would be to use a routing option which allows for two different chains of FX, AMPS, CABS, etc. The option I would suggest would be routing option 2. Select this in the upper left hand corner of AmpliTube.

Note* Adding the AmpliTube 'Pitch Shifter' Stomp FX from the AmpliTube -> Pitch section will allow for you to alter the pitch of your second chain (Using routing option 2) to reproduce the 'feel' of a second guitar player. Make sure to use this pedal's 'Fine' control to alter the pitch just slightly. Next, pan these chains left and right using the 'Pan' controls at the bottom of AmpliTube. Look for the 'Selected Module' settings.

Hope this helps!
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