Volume Control by Midi

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Volume Control by Midi

Postby cu1723 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:57 am


I want to use amplitube on my laptop for live performance.
So I have the Behringer FCB1010 (without uno) to control amplitube - so far so good .-)

Now I want to control the (master) volume with the FCB1010.
The problem is, that there is no way (or maybe I just don't see) to control the master volume with mididata.

I CAN control the "Volume" (in midi settings => control change => global => volume). But this will control the "Stompbox" - Volume (Stompbox => Amplitube => others => volume).

But I don't want to control the volume infront of the signal-path - I want the volumecontrol to be the last thing in my signalpath (or maybe last before reverb and delay).

I know that I can use the "volume" item in the rack (instead of stompbox), but on the one hand this will turn my signal into a mono signal and on the other hand this is not controled by "global => volume" - I have to add the parameter controlchange for each preset.

The best way for me would be, that I can control the volume "Master" (in the right bottom cornor) with midi-data.

By the way: Why are the stompboxes all only in mono if i use them in the rack? Someimes it would be very nice to use a stompbox for a stereo signal.

Has anybody a solution how to control the MasterVolume with midi in ampliltube?

Thank you for reading this!
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby ramuji » Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:13 am

I've never wanted to control the MasterVolume with MIDI, but I understand your frustration. There are a few other controls that I wish could be assigned to MIDI.

Here are a few work-around ideas off the top of my head.

If you use one of the routing options that has Rack A and Rack B in parallel at the end of the chain (2, 5, and 6) you could put one volume pedal in each rack. Would that maintain the stereo signal (pan left-right)? If so, you could control the pedals together with a single CC. You'd still have to assign the parameter for each preset, though.

If the last stereo effect in your rack is always on, you could use the volume control on that effect as a master volume. (Edit: I just tried this quickly with a few different rack effects, and it doesn't work like I expected. Not a solution.)

Probably the easiest solution is to insert Amplitube as a plug-in and then control all levels and master volume in the DAW. I use Ableton Live (ver. 8) for live performance, and it has a pretty light CPU load. I probably have as many MIDI assignments in Live (controlling routing, volume, etc.) as I do controlling the effects in Amplitube itself.

Hopefully you can find a solution that works well with your setup.
Good luck.
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby cu1723 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:25 am

Hi ramuji,

thank you very much! You are one of the few who understand my problem.

I tried out some things.

1. Tried to load amplitube into an VSTHost (Gigperformer, LiveProffessor) - but for now this is not working - maybe I'm doing something wrong - but both are not very stable. Thats not good for live :-)

2. I saw this: http://www.soundsculpture.com/volcano - it's a little bit expensive - and it's mono. So I need two of them -

3. The Behringer X12 Air Mixing can control Volume from a channel via midi. But I don't know how this will work in stereo.

This is very frustrating - all my setups for now had the possibility to control the volume via footcontroler.

The next thing is to try out cubase essentials as host for Amplitube.

The best thing would be, if ik can implement a real mastervolume in amplitube.

Thank you for reading this!
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby ramuji » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:28 pm

cusp23 wrote:
The next thing is to try out cubase essentials as host for Amplitube

Do you already own Cubase? If not, I recommend trying out Ableton Live Lite. It is the no-frills free version, but if you only want to use it basically as a host and mixer it should probably do everything you need.
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby cu1723 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:04 pm


yes I have allready Cubase (not only one version :-)

But what is your opinion the benefit of Ableton vs Cubase (essential) ?
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby ramuji » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:42 am

cusp23 wrote:Hi,

yes I have allready Cubase (not only one version :-)

But what is your opinion the benefit of Ableton vs Cubase (essential) ?

I've never really used Cubase, so I'm no help there. I just wanted to let you know that Ableton will most likely solve your issue without the need to spend more money on either hardware or software.

Other DAWs that I'm familiar with (StudioOne, Logic) focus primarily on recording, and never seemed to be a good fit for live performance. But, if Cubase also solves your issue and you are comfortable using it, then that's great.

Ableton has a small footprint and is designed to be used for live performance.
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby cu1723 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:01 pm

Long time has passed over - Problem is (nearly) solved.

There are two solution - one came from IKMultimedia (and it looks like it will not work properly)

1. There was an update in Amplitube (I think 4.6) - ikMultimedia added a Midicontroll for Master Volume ! - BUT: I can only change the volume knob from 12oclock position to full. If i send controler Number 7 (standard volume control) - the volume knob in amplitube is set to the 12 oclock position (it should be set to zero).

So this is not working for me (at the moment) I think, it's a bug in Amplitube(?)

2. I Use Gig Performer

I haven't testet it in all ways until now - but I think it will do the job:
I can insert Amplitube as a Plugin and use the MasterGain from GigPerformer (controlled by midi). Also I now have a "master section" like in guitar rig (NI) - I can use an EQ for all my presets at the end of the signal way.

Thank you for reading this!
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Re: Volume Control by Midi

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:30 pm

cusp23 wrote:Long time has passed over - Problem is (nearly) solved.

There are two solution - one came from IKMultimedia (and it looks like it will not work properly)

1. There was an update in Amplitube (I think 4.6) - ikMultimedia added a Midicontroll for Master Volume ! - BUT: I can only change the volume knob from 12oclock position to full. If i send controler Number 7 (standard volume control) - the volume knob in amplitube is set to the 12 oclock position (it should be set to zero).

So this is not working for me (at the moment) I think, it's a bug in Amplitube(?)

2. I Use Gig Performer

I haven't testet it in all ways until now - but I think it will do the job:
I can insert Amplitube as a Plugin and use the MasterGain from GigPerformer (controlled by midi). Also I now have a "master section" like in guitar rig (NI) - I can use an EQ for all my presets at the end of the signal way.


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