Official Arc System Wish List!

IK Product Manager, Lurssen Mastering Console, CSR (Classik Studio Reverb), and acoustic correction system ARC (Advanced Room Correction) System

Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby Peter_IK » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:43 pm

CMSE wrote:The ARC Studio is great and with "Phase" set to "Natural" the latency is negligible. But in my studio the "Linear" setting sounds much better, but then the latency is long making it useless for tracking and when trying out mic positions.

How about a bigger version with a more powerful DSP, so we don't have to change the Phase setting back and fourth when tracking and mixing, so we can set and forget it?

Using any linear phase tool will introduce latency at the expense of quality. Normally folks are only mixing or mastering with such tools and during tracking there are minimal plugins that use resource-heavy functionality like linear phase (usually none) used.

However, of course your suggestion/request will be relayed. Thank you.
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby CMSE » Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:05 pm

Peter_IK wrote:
CMSE wrote:The ARC Studio is great and with "Phase" set to "Natural" the latency is negligible. But in my studio the "Linear" setting sounds much better, but then the latency is long making it useless for tracking and when trying out mic positions.

How about a bigger version with a more powerful DSP, so we don't have to change the Phase setting back and fourth when tracking and mixing, so we can set and forget it?

Using any linear phase tool will introduce latency at the expense of quality. Normally folks are only mixing or mastering with such tools and during tracking there are minimal plugins that use resource-heavy functionality like linear phase (usually none) used.

However, of course your suggestion/request will be relayed. Thank you.

I perfectly understand why a longer latency is introduced when using a more processor hungry audio process and the only way to deal with that problem is to upgrade the DSP, which of course comes with a premium and considering the price of the ARC Studio that amount of DSP power won't fit the budget, hence the suggestion for a ARC Studio Pro a more expensive version with more DSP power and negligible latency when setting "Phase" to "Linear".

ARC Studio is a great product, this is just some constructive feedback to make a better more expensive version in addition to the current ARC Studio.
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Make the Studio 'signal' blinking on/off optional please

Postby nikolai » Tue May 07, 2024 4:08 pm

Not exactly sure what the thinking is behind the signal part of the ARC Studio's signal/clip indicator blinking on/off when listening at workspace/conversation volumes, but having the box set up and accessible between desk/rack and monitor the blinking is pretty distracting. Or at late night work/listen levels no signal indicator at it even doing anything at those levels?
Is there any way to implement optional full-time signal indicator that simply turns red for clipping or even just disable it and only have the red for clipping?
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby acdc2000 » Tue May 28, 2024 12:37 pm

arc 4 is best in broad mode for my room. but it have a large high q gap then in some frequencies. so arc should be allow the EQ in edit mode with higher q to boost this gap until it sound best. or maybe do more correction types to choose between broad and default.
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby acdc2000 » Thu May 30, 2024 11:57 am

it is also usefull to be able to correct in bass range left and right independent because it happen that on low bass in my room a 78 hz sine tone sound as it come from more left and is not clear locatable(in compare with arc disable).in songs it help to get better sound to reduce stereo width in this frequency. so to get better speaker correction it is also usefull to allow reduce stereo width in small muliband stereo imagine settings include in arc

i am maybe not the only but bass location errors on speakers cause same strange ear feeling as incorrectly polarizes speakers

the developers of arc should also compare the correctet results of speakers with a correctet heaphone when hear a kick drum in mono in a simple test drumloop. I always hear that kick drum sound much more diffrent and dull after correction as with the headphone in default or sharp mode.

I have a treated room and 6 large melamin foam basstraps.
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby matt.montag » Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:39 am

My unpopular opinion: I think room correction can be marketed to a larger hi-fi audience.
I don't want to bring up nightmares of the Onkyo Denon A/V receiver room correction, but I mean... that's the idea.

So my wish would be to make the ARC box more self-contained and user-friendly: with a microphone input. Or, let me hook the microphone up to my phone (like the USB UMIK) and calibrate with an app. Anything to avoid the requirement of an audio interface+laptop in the picture.

(confession: I bought an audio interface with the ARC 4 because I didn't have any XLR inputs)
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby acdc2000 » Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:11 pm

I get in arc 4 lots of hearable prering on kick drum and I think arc 4 can be much better when there is a additional mode that correct left and right speaker with same eq settings in minimum mode. Only the diffrences from left to right channel should be correct with linear phase mode. this avoid prering which sound very bad on kick drums and transients when all is correct on linear phase mode.

because when use diffrent eq settings on left and right channels the phase shifts of the minimal eq setting create due to phase shift between left and right channel strange stereo image in bass range but good transients
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby mrmine75 » Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:44 pm

I want to suggest to add the possibility of editing the eq with more points and options like Q factor to draw Bell curve more precise and accurate.
Very thanks
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby horacewimp » Tue Oct 22, 2024 10:30 am

CMSE wrote:I perfectly understand why a longer latency is introduced when using a more processor hungry audio process and the only way to deal with that problem is to upgrade the DSP, which of course comes with a premium and considering the price of the ARC Studio that amount of DSP power won't fit the budget, hence the suggestion for a ARC Studio Pro a more expensive version with more DSP power and negligible latency when setting "Phase" to "Linear".

ARC Studio is a great product, this is just some constructive feedback to make a better more expensive version in addition to the current ARC Studio.

According to my understanding of physics, the latency of linear phase EQs is not due to high CPU load, but a general characteristic of these EQs (pre-ringing..). It should simply not be possible to program latency-free linear phase EQs, no matter how much computing power is available.
As far as I know, there is no such thing - but I would be delighted and very surprised if someone invented it :-)
And yes, btw. I'm very enthusiastic about ARC Studio. In the past, I've always transferred my ARC curves to a Behringer DEQ2496 in order to have a hardware standalone solution for room correction. This is a much better sounding and easier to use solution!
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby thymusepithel » Fri Nov 08, 2024 9:25 pm

1) I wholeheartedly agree I'd like more control over the correction, I'll just expand on it a bit. A "cut only" mode for frequency ranges of the user's choosing would help tons where the correction makes the situation very noticeably worse, or simply where it is overdoing it where it would have been fine with less gain in that spot of correction.
For example, this would really help me lower the volume of the peak at 54 Hz whilst keeping ARC Studio from trying to boost my speakers in the frequencies below where it only causes quite audible issues to boost them since they're built to roll of at that point.
Another common issue it would solve is where ARC Studio tries to boost a null it shouldn't. (Maybe my fault too considering I use only one spot to calibrate? I assume there would be an attempt of null detection going on somewhere aided by the different measurement locations you're supposed to use. But maybe I'm way off on that. It also wouldn't help if the null basically covers the whole measurement area.)

I have lowered my target curve over the whole spectrum to -6dB which really helps, but of course removes the possibility of boosts where I'd actually would have liked to use them and I also can't roll any other frequency with the target curve manually now.

This feature would be, by far, the most important improvement to me.

The rest is just small stuff:
2) A measurement creation mode that allows you to simply measure the same spot a few times. Currently I just measure the same point seven (was it seven?) times since it gives me the best results for my needs (just me in my fixed listening position).

3) Calibration file for the mic. I'd really like to have some hands-on proof that my measurement mic is working as intended. It helps keep me sane. :D

4) LED on the CORRECTION button just a little bit less bright. I tend to see glares around bright objects in the dark and this LED is actually annoyingly bright in comparison to others - the other two LEDs are fine and have never bothered me.

Also, thanks for making this. I love the set-it-and-forget-it of the hardware version, it does a great job overall and I'm happy to have it here :)
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby beat.o.federer » Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:27 pm

ARC4 Analysis is lacking an output level adjustment that was present in original ARC and ARC2, but got lost with ARC3.

Since I Ido have a setup with speakers directly connected to the interface, I have to use awkward kludges to adjust the level for output.

To quote the manual, section 3.2.2 – Powered speaker setup:
"Monitor Controller/Analog Mixer/... (this device may not be present)"
[mod edits - editorial removed, unnecessary and please review forum rules when posting and keep wish list requests on topic and only requests]

And another big wish is of course the lack of multichannel support (any number, pretty please)
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby troyandshari » Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:27 am

Maybe I’m missing this, but I would love when you save a speaker (set of measurements) and edit it, it also saves everything you’ve done on the edit page for that speaker (set of measurements).

I have two sets of speakers; Amphion nearfields and large main speakers - each optimized with slightly different high and low cut offs and targets in the edit page. But when I switch speaker responses in Arc 4, all the edit fields stay the same. I may get a second Arc Studio so I can just set and forget both but that seems unnecessary.
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Re: Official Arc System Wish List!

Postby theinfinite713 » Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:19 pm

Would like to have more Monitor icons for saving presets. For example I have a set of Focal Shape Twins, Dynaudio BM5A's, Genelec 8010A's and Avantone Active MixCubes (although I don't use ARC for the MixCubes). Thanks!
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