TONEX tone models: how are models produced?

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TONEX tone models: how are models produced?

Postby » Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:47 pm

I am a new TONEX pedal user and I've bought the Satriani amp pack. I am using the TONEX through an FRFR and/or into the effect loop return on my tube amp into a 4x12. My question is about how the models that TONEX ships with and those in the premium packs are made, specifically with respect to the ability to turn cab modelling on and off.

Let's talk specifically about the Satriani amp pack, for example. These models have distinct amp and cab IRs and in a given preset those can be altered. For instance if I'm starting with one of the new 3P Dragon models I can change the cab from the Dragon 4x12 to anything else, or even disable the cab simulation either on the preset or globally on the pedal. So I presume (although I can't find this stated explicitly) that these models were made by modelling the amp on its own by sampling a line out from the amp, and the cab/mic were modelled separately.

Is that presumption correct?

An alternative would be that models are made by sampling the entire chain of amp>cab>mic and in that case it would not be possible to change or deactivate the cab modelling of that model in a preset. In such a case I presume that deactivating the cab simulation globally on the TONEX pedal would have no impact on the tone on such a preset.

Is that correct?

Thanks in advance for your insights!
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Joined: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:09 pm

Re: TONEX tone models: how are models produced?

Postby » Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:35 pm

The reason I ask is that literally every model that includes amp and cab sounds pretty crummy through FRFR. I believe this is because they model the whole signal path including the mic, which obviously doesn't sound like a live performance. Most of these models sound better though my amp with cab modelling disabled. At the same time I wonder how the cab can be disabled, since I believe that all of these models were made by sampling the whole signal chain in a single model.
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Joined: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:09 pm

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