Official TONEX Features wish list

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby cyberganaxandco » Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:16 am


Today I tried for the first time Tone X and and IK made my dream comes true:
finally I found a modeled clean amp convincing ! :D
Some personal suggested improvements
-A more realistic spring reverb
-the ability to insert pedals before he and between amp and speaker as we can do in Amplitube. I use a turnaround in Cubase with FX chain presets with 2 ToneX plug ins but it involves an high CPU usage.

Best regards
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby » Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:57 am

I am a simple man.

I would truly love a global noise gate so I don't need to program a gate into every single preset. And I would love it if the reverb was able to be bypassed with a non-midi footswitch. With the inclusion of the tuner, I could just gig with the Tonex pedal only if I had those two features. It would be a game changer. Thank you!
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Christopher.W » Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:37 am

Custom IR Manager

Could we have a ‘favourite’ check box option.
Ideally the ability to create folders to sort and organise different IR packs.
And maybe an indicator to show which IR’s are allocated to a amp capture, that way at a glance it would be easy to remove the ones that aren’t being used.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby komar_23 » Wed Jul 03, 2024 6:27 pm

Adding to Modeler posibility to export (save) capture as a wav file and posibility to import it (i.e. skipping capture/recording process and use already captured wav file instead). In this way training process (the most demanding part) could be perform on different platform (e.g. with stuning GPU on board).

Export and import buttons could be added to tab "Capture". So if you make run capture (i.e. press "Capture" button) you can optionally make an export file (Export button will be enable). You can always make import file which should replace already captured audio (if you previously make run capture) or just load wav file (capture file) which allows to go further (i.e. enable Next button for start training).

In addition to allow make independent recording/capturing wav files (i.e. using DAW - for advanced users) it will be nice to provide by IK Multimedia training wav files (guitar/bass).
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Christopher.W » Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:08 pm

Please can you allow us to rename the pedal banks via the librarian section in the ToneX App.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby alanvodicka » Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:23 pm

Batch capturing with the naming suite.
So you could:
1. Take a capture, name it with all the amp settings etc.
2. Change amp settings, take a capture, name it with all the amp settings etc.
3. Repeat.

4. When done with that amp capturing. Turn off all amp equipment.

5. Batch train the captures.

6. Go to bed/work/school, etc

7. Review.

This is definitely a use case scenario but would be a great feature for someone like me who has a busy full life. And who has an amp with tons of feature sets like the Friedman BE-50 deluxe. And would like to make a dozen or two captures of the same amp.

Also for reference using advanced capturing taking 10-15 min each training on my laptop. So it would be awesome if I could take the training with me.

Thanks! Love it!
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby BLuzJW91 » Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:18 am

I've been waiting patiently since a couple months after Tonex was released for a Low pass and High pass filter in Tonex. These are essential for dialing in presets. Additionally, a tool like a "tilt" EQ would allow me to quickly customize presets for different guitars. In Kempers, the tilt EQ is called "definition". Please, please, least put a HPF and LPF in Tonex!
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby babserik » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:00 pm

Workflow upgrades:
1. When playing the pre-recorded audio tracks to test amp sounds...can you keep the drop down menu you have currently but also make an additional arrow button that lets you go through the sounds right to left.
2. IR loading: Ability to load all our IR's at once...such as a file directory that we can just drop all our IR's into and then have them appear in the software when we open it. Or even better the have the program recognize all our IR's on the computer and just upload them or point to them in their file location when installing Tonex.
3. IR organization: folders feature for IR's and the ability to favorite, and perhaps color code: ex. Bright, Dark, Boxy, Scooped, etc.
4. The ability to load more than one IR at a time.
5. Tonenet: First off maybe add some additional servers to is so slow it is almost unusable. 5b. Streamline have to click multiple times to download a capture just have one click. 5c. When on Tonenet the filters above where the amps are don't click on them and they don't do anything...the section that says: Name, Character, Stomp Based on etc.
6. The ability to audition with your own guitars the tone partners signature collections..(If this already exists I have yet to see it)
7. Once the IR loading dialog pops up...have it just know that I want to interact with that dialog box because it is infront of the rest of the software on screen....for instance you need to click on it after it is already open in order to use the ^ and v keys when auditioning the IR's you have previously loading.
8. The ability to hide tone models and presets...and have a universal folder within the opened software called "Hidden" so if you need to go in there and retrieve i.e unhide a sound you can

Personalized features:
1. Ability to load our own audio test samples (in addition to the provided audio test samples) to see how our guitars / playing will sound when testing amps.
2. The ability to have default settings load...such as Reverb set to Plate and certain parameters etc.
3. The ability to default load IR' when auditioning amps...they are set to open with a IR of your choice.
4. The ability to color coat tone models and says Clean...but that can mean a wide variety of cleans. So like Green could mean very clean, Red clean with some break up, Yellow Bright Cleans etc

Thank You!
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby babserik » Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:56 am

Another thing to add to my above post...
1. Some type of universal volume when loading amps...they all seem to be at different can really be jarring when flipping to a new amp and it is 10x's louder than the previous amp.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby BLuzJW91 » Fri Jul 19, 2024 1:30 am

babserik wrote:Another thing to add to my above post...
1. Some type of universal volume when loading amps...they all seem to be at different can really be jarring when flipping to a new amp and it is 10x's louder than the previous amp.

This is caused by people creating tone models using different levels in their gain staging. Some early creators made their tone models to be played with an input trim around -13 (e.g., Sadites), while others made tone models suited for input trims near zero or +5. It all depends on how the tone model was created.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby smotan_tip » Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:05 pm

High and low cut on the VIR cab models would be a great feature, which other modelers have within the cab section.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby MBeyer » Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:38 pm

As someone using their Tonex Pedal mostly for bass, I'd love to see deeper access to the compressor parameters. At the moment we only have (makeup) gain and attack. I run my comps post amplifier and there is no way to adjust the threshold point other than the amp gain (which changes the tone).

I'd love to have in order of preference:
    threshold or input gain
    The selected patch LED showing gain reduction status (green to red when the theshold is reached for example)

I know blend knobs are popular with comps these days, but they are basically ratio controls with a reverse knee shape. That would be at the very bottom of my compressor requests.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby rburkow » Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:31 pm

Please add a select-all feature, so we may add "groups" of tones into our folders from queries (not just click/select one-by-one). Thank you.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby rburkow » Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:40 pm

TONEX PRO - a full-featured floor board, which allows for the use of all Amplitube Tones/Packs with all TONEX tones - seamlessly. Integrated Volume/Wah completes the package. Now you can play in the big boy league and take the market - if done right. One Pedal board to rule them all. What say you?
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby lord-of-fire » Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:48 pm

Beeing new to ToneX I am not quite sure, wheter or not this the right sub forum for my question. But to have one correct point here I would like to point out that I miss DI out on the Pedal. Would be a great addition for a future hardware version.

My question is about MIDI. So far I have learned that it is possible and quite easy to program a MIDI controller so it can call presets stored on the ToneX pedal. Having a FCB1010 I was thinking about the expression pedals on it. The question I did not yet find an answer to is: Can I use the two expression pedals via MIDI to control volume an more importantly a (virtual) wah?
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