Hello all!
I recently have bought AmpliTube 5 MAX v2 and downloaded/installed/authorized in the correct way.
I use AmpliTube with following gear:
[list=]Squire/Fender Stratocaster
Cubase version 10.5
Yamaha AG 06 digital interface/mixer
I use the normal guitar input in the digi interface with gain set to zero.[/list]
If I choose a certain amp setup (mostly some heavy rock or metal) then, without touching my snares, I hear a very loud and disturbing noise. When I touch/play a snare, this noise is gone.
This is very disturbing for my recording.
I also have an external amp sim: Mooier GE150. When I sue that one, I never hear any disturbing loud noise when selecting an amp setup. I only have this with AmpliTube 5 MAX v2.
Does anyone know how to fix this?