Yes - same. I've been working around it by opening an old project with Amplitube 5 already installed and deleting everything to start over - good chance you've already thought of that. Someone else in the forum is complaining about Cubase too, also after this update. Hopefully they are aware and are working on it.
I don't think the missing gear is an issue - I also own MAX and I could be totally wrong as I am just an amateur over here but I am not sure that software was meant to continuously update with new gear as it comes out. I spotchecked a few items in Tonenet that I don't have and none of them were listed in the original MAX bundle ( ... X_gear.pdf). Now, it sure be great if they could make it easier to not display any rigs that I don't have the gear for, or at least turn off the freaking hissing sound when I am trying to listen to a media sample, but these aren't huge issues.