There was a lot of recent (though pre-Tonex) emphasis on the hardware X-WHATEVER pedals and their digital equivalents in AmpliTube. I think I have X-DRIVE as a promotional freebee, but I haven't been in a hurry to get the others in either hardware or software form, mostly just because my needs don't really include hardware pedals and -- in the software modeling world -- I tend to do post-amp time-based stuff (delay and reverb) in my DAW (and I don't think there's much in X-TIME that really replaces what I already put in front of the amp model in AmpliTube), and I don't think there's much in X-VIBE that replaces what I already have in AmpliTube. Even with X-DRIVE ... I'm just not used to thinking in terms of multi-effect units!
I tend to reach for discrete pedal models in AmpliTube just because that's the way I think about setting up a guitar signal chain.
I still reach for the BigPig pedal model rather than the Big Muff emulation in the X-DRIVE.
But I can think of plenty of new amp or pedal models (as well as rack models) that I would be happy to see -- and buy -- in AmpliTube. But I guess most of the attention has gone to Tonex recently. And, hey, it seems like a great product; it's just probably
most exciting for a different kind of user than I am.
So, yeah: I would be happy to see some new or updated toys in good ol' AmpliTube.