ronniez28 wrote:Hello,
I'm just a bit concerned. I just want to make absolutely sure that after I purchase and download
Total Studio 3.5 for the $199 price, that I will literally have every virtual instrument
( ModoBass, ModoDrum etc ) and all 497 Gigs of processing that this software comes with. Will I need to purchase anything else to use these? It just seems too good to be that cut and dry, especially when just Modobass and Mododrum purchased alone are more than that. And I thought I read somewhere that I could pick and choose what I download to save some hard drive space.
Is that the case?
Sorry for the skepticism!
Thanks so much!!
You have to read closely what variety of the product that comes with what and what variety of the product that you get with Total Studio 3.5 MAX.
Take a look at this page : ... ?p=compareTotal Studio 3.5 MAX is the product in the middle. E.g. : SampleTank 4 is the MAX version but the Syntronik 2 is not, MODO BASS is version 1.5 not MODO BASS 2 .
So , of course , you are not getting every IK Multimedia product that you could dream of , but on the other hand then the Total Studio 3.5 MAX , especially at the present price, gives you really great value for your purchase and is as such a no 'brainer' at $199 price I think.
The caveat that you are looking for here is mostly all the upgrades and stuff that they are literally spamming you with in news letters like 3 or 5 times (PER DAY !) and you should expect that Total Studio 3.5 MAX is most likely going to come in a new version rather soon so that the sale of course also is a drive to get more customers to offer to upgrade to a newer and better version later. Still the Total Studio 3.5 MAX at a $199 price is a very great value offer and you shouldn't expect any new version to be sold at that price any time soon if/when it arrives. What you should expect is that if you like and buy the Total Studio 3.5 MAX then it will still cost you $99 (or $149 ?) to upgrade e.g. the Syntronik 2 to Syntronik 2 Max , also even if you participated in the Syntronik 2 Group Buy a while back ! And a 'MODO MAX Upgrade' upgrade is $ 199.99 I think ! (but you get the general idea !)
It appears that IK Multimedia makes a lot of the money from upgrades.
Also please notice that you have to download AND Backup your downloads for any re-install within 180 days , after that you will have to pay $10 to renew to an additional 180 days of file downloads , that's another condition... As far as I know then Total Studio 3.5 MAX is 'only' 470 GB not 497 GB as you write , but as you can probably figure then that it is also going to be a lot of GB downloaded when you scale up to many users so for IK Multimedia to afford that then there is a limit to how long time that your downloads are free !
But in short : Total Studio 3.5 MAX at a $199 price is a very great value offer and you ought to buy it if you like the product and would like to get it at some point anyway !
IMO then Total Studio 3.5 MAX contains so many products that even managing the product installation takes some work (especially since any custom install path has to be set for most all products included individually and this install path is not visibly confirmed in product manager later) ! If you don't want that then buy a product that comes with less
You might also want to consider where you set the product manager download location to keep files since it is 470 GB of files to either delete or keep (can be set in product manager I think).