Monstrous bug:
I noticed a huge bug with the filer section and/or filer envelope of Syntronik 2, with some presets in V1 and V2 on some of the 22 "classic synths" while everything is fine and the sound is different for the same presets played with Syntronic 1.
ex: Take the "Boomy square" preset of the SH-V:
-Try to modify the filter envelope, cut off, resonance...=> no effect, no filter
and the sound is so different from the same preset played with Syntronic 1 (it is more obvious in the low notes C0,C1...)
-Try all the possibilities (lpf,bpf...) of the 7 filters, slope/slope and modify the filter envelope, cut off, resonance => sometimes it's the cut off, sometimes the resonance, sometimes both that have no effect, sometimes you just can't choose the slope (the slider stays locked) while it's available in Syntronik 1
-Try to save a project with the "Boomy square" preset of the SH-V (without modifying it), close and reload your project, go to Syntronik 2, already there is an asterisk on the name of the preset, which means that it has been modified, go to the editing panel (the front of the synth) and there from bpf it has changed to lpf
I have seen the same type of problem on SH-V, SAM, Noir, far. It always has something to do with the filter section, the envelope I've only seen it once.
So, advice to those who had version 1 don't uninstall it!!! While waiting for it to correct
And those who have only version 2 of Syntronik test the filter and report to IK support because only for the SAM, the presets Syntronik 1> synth bass: Fat Resonant Bass, Feeder, Fingered Bass, Flanged Round Bass = BUG of the filter (I did not test the others)
[mod redacted - unnecessary. Also, continue to report these to IK Support if you expect to see anything done about them]