Multiple downloads

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Multiple downloads

Postby churchmice5 » Mon May 17, 2021 3:02 pm

I am considering purchasing Hammond B-3X. However, I’d like to know more about its multi-platform capabilities.

Let’s say that I purchased a single license on my Mac, but I changed my mind and wanted to use it on a Windows. Could I download Hammond on the Windows and use it NON-simultaneously with the Mac? — (without having to purchase another license)

If that is possible, could I do the same thing from a Mac/PC to an iPad (with the app)? Or does the app provide a separate type of license that does not cross platforms with computers?

In addition, if I purchased the app for an iPad, but I downloaded the app on another iPad that is registered under the same Apple ID (so I don’t have to PAY for the app on the second device), could I use the app on both iPads, or only one at a time?

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Re: Multiple downloads

Postby Peter_IK » Mon May 17, 2021 3:43 pm

churchmice5 wrote:I am considering purchasing Hammond B-3X. However, I’d like to know more about its multi-platform capabilities.

Let’s say that I purchased a single license on my Mac, but I changed my mind and wanted to use it on a Windows. Could I download Hammond on the Windows and use it NON-simultaneously with the Mac? — (without having to purchase another license)


If that is possible, could I do the same thing from a Mac/PC to an iPad (with the app)? Or does the app provide a separate type of license that does not cross platforms with computers?

The iPad / iOS apps are separate from the Mac/PC version so no you could not do the same thing.

In addition, if I purchased the app for an iPad, but I downloaded the app on another iPad that is registered under the same Apple ID (so I don’t have to PAY for the app on the second device), could I use the app on both iPads, or only one at a time?

Yes, as long as registered under the same Apple ID you are fine.


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