I noticed that if I log out and look at the prices as a random customer that the prices for Amplitube 5 and Max are the same as anyone who has had Amplitube 4 Max and wants to upgrade? Is there going to be an upgrade price or does everyone now have to pay full prices no matter what?
I noticed that since its been released there hasn't been an upgrade discount. I checked my acct and its all the same. Weird.
Logged in:
Amp 5SE= 99.99
Amp 5= 149.99
Amp 5 Max= 299.99
Logged out:
Amp 5SE= 99.99
Amp 5= 149.99
Amp 5 Max= 299.99
Also Retailers are still selling this for more than IK does. Musicians Friend have no upgrade price or item either, nor MAX at all.
GC is the same as MF.
Sweetwater sells upgrade for same a s IK regular prices.
Can someone figure this out? I spent a lot of AMp4 Max only to have to rebuy it at full price again? Doesn't make sense. Is this a mistake?