I do have some questions/errors/feature-requests with A5-Presets.
1. Since today(maybe yesterday) my Preset-List is broken. i.E. Some of my own Sub-folders are gone within A5.
The A5 CS-Presets only contains the Triple British Channel. The files still exist in the preset-folder. The Buttons in Live-Mode still work.
2. Presets contain AMPs for threeway-amping, although only 1 AMP is used in the preset. This is quite a nice feature, so i can change to 2 or 3 Amps and there is an fitting AMP-B and AMP-C. But if the saved preset contains on AMP-C an AMP i do not own, i get a message: Sound may differ, although only 1(or 2) Amps are used. It would be great, if the message only comes if one change for 3-Amps, or at least the Message states, that the missing gear is only missing in the 3-AMP-Setting.
3. In part because of point 2. It seems like many Presets are for MAX-Users only. ;(
Some examples:
a. Preset 20(Triple British Channel) in the A5 CS-Folder contains T-Rack-Components and this said, it is not for CS-Only-Users.
b. Where are Presets for the SE-Version?
c. See Point 2. Especially in Amplitube Collections, it seems like one needs another Collection(i.e. Fender 2) to use the settings. But also on legacy-Presets.
The Legacy-Dual Metal V needs the '57 Bandmaster, although AMP-A is Metal Lead V and AMP-B is American Tube Clean 1. And AMP-C is not configured.
It would be great, if those false/too early notifications within the Presets could stop.
Thank you for your time and afford. I realy whish some of those points could be fixed soon.