Sharkhaywood wrote:Not sure if this is the proper forum for this question but I have been using a laptop with only 16gb of Ram. I am running Presonus Studio 4 Professional and EZ Drummer from Toontrack so far. I am very interested in AmpliTube 5 but am concerned that running all of this on a laptop that I would run into latency issues. What kind of PC should I be looking to upgrade to so that I could run all of that without latency issues?
1) What do you consider "acceptable" latency?
2) What processor are you running?
3) What is your maximum screen resolution - goes to whether AT5 will run on your system at all. There's a fix in the works, but we'll have to wait to see how effective it is
I'm running an i7-7500 laptop with 16gb. I use a Scarlett 18i20 (2nd gen) with Reaper, with Amp sims, EZDrummer controlled from an eDrum set, and synth VSTs. The Scarlett driver reports 7.6ms RTL at 48k/64spls in Reaper. That is consistent with the hardwired test using the Oblique Audio RTL Utility. This latency is undetectable by me on any of my instruments.