So loving AT5 running with my iRig Stomp I/O, sound quality is a big improvement over the iPad version, however the Live mode doesn't really strike me as 'Live'.
A live mode needs to show the bare amount of information as clearly as possible. Couldn't we have an option to have that top left 3rd of the Live mode window to fill the whole screen. When playing live I don't need to be able to select any of the hundreds of amps/cabinets or see a minute version of the audio path; all I want to see are some big buttons that clearly show me what presets are assigned to each pedal and which FX are on each pedal, nothing more.
Almost feels like it needs a 'Live Performance' mode that gives that clean large interface that can be seen easily from 2m away, current live mode just doesn't cut it from a UX perspective for live performance.
Possible addition for the dev backlog? Interested to hear thoughts from any others that are planning to use AT5 in a performance setting.