by balafon » Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:54 am
Existing issue with length and/or complexity of passwords.
Whenever possible, I use 16-character passwords, similar to the *example* below:
When creating one on the IK Multimedia website, no restrictions are imposed as for its length, and/or the character sets (digits, small letters, capitals, special characters).
Unfortunately, when trying to log in to Authorization Manager, it is always rejected. It is very annoying, because it needs to be typed in -- copy/paste by keyboard and/or mouse don't work. Not user friendly at all. Just adding to the anxiety.
Need to click on FORGOT PASSWORD, then they send a new password, 8-character long, without special characters, and that one works, of course.
Or the website is too permissive, or the Authorization Manager is too restrictive, doesn't matter. The password, once created, *should* perfectly work everywhere, including Custom Shop's login.
To avoid any further trouble for secure-password-minded users, why not just ask the folks at IK's competent staff to be up-to-date against security threats by permitting the use of more complex passwords? It also should be clearly stated, at the *creation* stage, what is the minimum/maximum length, and what characters should be avoided, *if* any.
I have experienced the same hassle with my 2 IK accounts. It is a recurring issue, as seen in the Forum. It's time for it to be resolved once for all, I guess... A little effort, pretty please?