Hi All,
Working my way through Miroslav's Philharmonik 2 right now and struggling with the dynamics of the solo violin. The solo violin multi uses key switching to change between articulations, that I understand.
If you look at the "instrument" key-switch keys, C0 is the sustain articulation. Now looking at the edit page, and inspect the "element/articulation" drop down menu you see the following VLN SOLO SUS 4,0 mf, VLN SOLO SUS 4,0 mp, and VLN SOLO SUS 4,0 pp in the list.
I assume (dangerous I know) that these three sustain dynamics are all linked to the C0 key. My question is how does "it" know when to switch between pp, mp and mf dynamics? I have been unable to find it described in the manual.
In Logic's EXS24 sampler you can define that midi velocity 0-50 plays the pp sample, 51-99 the mp sample, and 100-127 the mf sample. I use the comparison to Logic's sampler to illustrate why I ask the question.