Micro Amp Question

Discussion about IK monitors and speakers like iLoud Precison, iLoud MTM, iLoud Micro Monitor and iLoud as well as X-MONITOR software.

Micro Amp Question

Postby jasongnsb0 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:18 pm

Can anyone answer the following for me about the Micro Amp:

1. Does the aux input continue to work when the amp is plugged in USB and using amplitube? Looking to know if I can used amplitube to play along to a track played through the aux input.

2. How does it sound with just music playing through it? Only concerned with low volume desktop type use, not critical listening. I'm looking for something to serve as computer speaker & audio interface for use with amplitube, DAW, etc. The added standalone guitar amp features of it are a bonus to me.
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Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:54 pm

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