New Irig Stomp I/O -- Problems using (including Pro Tools).

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New Irig Stomp I/O -- Problems using (including Pro Tools).

Postby datkinson » Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:43 pm

Hello. I just received my new Stomp I/O. I was (am) hoping it will let me use a pedalboard with Pro Tools without all of the programming using an FCB 1010. This has turned out to be much less plug and play than I had hoped.

I set my track in PT as recommended -- creating an aux input with Amplitube 4 and then a midi track for the Stomp I/O -- which is basically what I used to do with my FCB1010. But when I connect everything, the Stomp does not show up in Amplitube like it does when I run Amplitube as a standalone. I can get the Stomp to control the pedals using the midi learn section, but I cannot get the presets to change or turn off the expression pedal.

Can anyone offer any suggestions? Do I connect using a MIDI cord rather than USB?

Also -- when I run in standalone, I do not see the "Live" button as shown in the manual. And like using it in Pro Tools, I can't get the Stomp to control the pedals unless I use MIDI learn. I usually use my Mbox as an input and output device when I am running Amplitube in standalone mode. I see that Amplitube standalone defaults to Windows Audio unless I change the settings. I thought the problem might be that I do not have the Stomp connected to my Mbox by MIDI, so I tried that as well. Still not able to use the Stomp to control anything unless I try MIDI learn.

Is there a tutorial somewhere? I have followed the instructions in the manual and what I see on my screen looks very different than both the manual and the videos that have been posted.

I am using a PC if that matters.

Thank you.
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Re: New Irig Stomp I/O -- Problems using (including Pro Tool

Postby zombranegra » Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:32 pm

Yeah, it doesn't seem to work easy for Reaper either. We're wanting to create a project that outputs our backing tracks to the board and then runs Amplitube as an effects processor to my guitar amp, but we want all the effects changes to be automated with the exception of wah and volume expression.

I had to create an aggregate audio device (it's very easy to do on Mac and I understand that Asio4All can do it to) to combine my stomp io and my steinberg in order to command 4 outputs to different devices for the tracks.

The main problem I've had so far is that the track for Amplitube can either be an audio track and accept audio input or it can be a midi instrument and accept midi change commands (i.e. the expression pedal) but I can't seem to get it to do both.

HOWEVER, and I have not tried this yet, I believe that you should be able to set up an automation lane on your audio track that receives midi information from another track. (so basically a send--->receive situation).

let me know if you have any luck
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Re: New Irig Stomp I/O -- Problems using (including Pro Tool

Postby Ryan_IK » Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:06 pm

Hey Guys!

Sorry to hear of the troubles here.

It seems there may be some confusion with set up. Let's see if I can clear things up and provide some useful information here.

1) In Pro Tools or in Reaper audio tracks will not accept MIDI input. This is why a MIDI track is required to send any MIDI data to AmpliTube. This should not necessarily be a limitation of the iRig Stomp I/O, but how most DAW software will work.

Note - Check with IK Multimedia support if you need help setting this up in Pro Tools or Reaper, they are more than happy to help walk you through this process.

2) At this time there is no 'Live' mode when using AmpliTube as a plug-in. This means the 'Live' view will not appear as it does in stand-alone and the iRig Stomp I/O controls will not automatically learn to the AmpliTube gear.

The AmpliTube software should however recall all saved data from the use of AmpliTube stand-alone software with Live mode through the use of Presets. In short, this means you can load AmpliTube in stand-alone to get your patches/presets set up quick and easy, to then use these same patches in Pro Tools or in Reaper. Otherwise, 'MIDI' learn will need to be used to get your assignments going. This should just be a quick right-click -> MIDI Learn. These settings are saved to Presets, so when these are recalled, these settings do not need to be 're-learned'.

3) (For Zombranegra) An Aggregate audio device for this type of use could get a bit complex and is certainly not an average set up. Try contacting IK Multimedia support for assistance here. They may be able to help with this set up to get you working as you need.
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