tonex - routing with DAW problem

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tonex - routing with DAW problem

Postby lagwagon006 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:53 pm

Hi guys,

I am using tonex with an audient ID22 and my DAW is studio one 5.
I have set up everything in tone x and can profile my amp (without cab) very well.
I am using the stand alone version of tonex.
My guitar goes into input 2 from the audient ID22; the output 3 from the audient ID22 goes into a reamp box and then the amp (jcm 800); the output from the jcm800 goes into a loadbox (torpedo captor) and back into the input 1 from the audient ID22. When I do that, everything works really well, the ONLY PROBLEM is that the only playback I can hear from the stand alone version of tonex is the amp alone, so it is really hard to set up the amp, as it is just the sound of the amp without a cab, which as you all know is not really great.

What I wanted to do is use my DAW (studio one) to use an IR loader so I can use that as a playback platfrom and use my DAW to also setup the level of the audient output properly.

It seems like I can't use the stand alone version of tonex and use my DAW as a routing platform as it seems like they are competing one with eachother. Is there a way around ?


The problem occurs when I want to use studio one 5 to "listen"
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