Editing a Sampletank 4 Synth

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Editing a Sampletank 4 Synth

Postby wbarbourca » Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:20 pm

I have what I believe should be a basic question about Sampletank 4 and I am hoping someone will help me out. I tried going through the manual and online videos but after much effort I am still stuck.

I like the Sweep Synth instrument called “Tyrant Rage”. All I want to do is as follows:

1) Slow down the LFO on the pitch sweep
2) Modify the span between upper and lower pitches
3) Create a duplicate of that oscillator that will play in unison but 180 degrees out of phase

Try as I may, I can’t seem to modify any parameters. Any help? Thanks!
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Joined: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:49 pm

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