FFR guitar speaker for guitar modeling pedals

Discussion about IK monitors and speakers like iLoud Precison, iLoud MTM, iLoud Micro Monitor and iLoud as well as X-MONITOR software.

FFR guitar speaker for guitar modeling pedals

Postby bwsoundsolutions » Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:02 pm

Does IK make a flat frequency response speaker for guitar modeling? I am currently using a headrush ffr with a Mooer ge300 lite. I really like the setup but have definitely noticed the change in frequency response depending on the diff ent stages and venues. Just as I would have with my tube amps before.
If IK made an ffr with the self arc calibration this could possible eliminate a lot of my setup and tweak time. Sweep the ffr with the mem cal microphone and be off playing the same way I heard it with the mtm speakers.
Or does IK make a separate box that goes in between a modeling pedal and an ffr speaker?
That would be a thought too if not.
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