High frequency noise the first 40 seconds after switching on

Discussion about IK monitors and speakers like iLoud Precison, iLoud MTM, iLoud Micro Monitor and iLoud as well as X-MONITOR software.

High frequency noise the first 40 seconds after switching on

Postby Androl27071985 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:36 am

Good afternoon. A month ago I bought an Iloud micro monitor. Recently noticed this feature. After turning on the speakers , there is a slight high-frequency noise for forty seconds. Then sharply passes and acoustics works without noise. . It is the first 40 seconds after switching on.
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Re: High frequency noise the first 40 seconds after switchin

Postby Ryan_IK » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:21 pm

Thanks for your post!

Let's see how we can help.

The iLoud Micro Monitors feature Bluetooth output. This means, like all Bluetooth speakers, the iLoud Micro Monitors will playback a low level Bluetooth syncing noise on start up. This will be close to inaudible at normal volumes or with music playing and should disappear after a couple moments.

Hope this helps!
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