Hey folks
i am fan of ik multimedis products
and owner of tonex pedal from the very first
i got this error while using tonex se with my axe i/o one
ERROR 213: You have reached the maximum number of User Tone Models downloads.
the story is here
after selling my tonex pedal because of tonenet downloads enough for my needs
so i purchased
axe i/o one for tonex se app
tonex se which has unlimited tonenet access and downloads
ERROR 213: You have reached the maximum number of User Tone Models downloads.
i can't access tonenet downloads
when launch tonex at first i can use and access tonenet without any problem
the problem is when i wanted to download
error 213 and after that
cant access again tonenet there is no sound
always error 213
this happens
until shutdown tonex and relaunch again
i reinstall the tonex app several times
logout login on my account several times
re-authorize de-authorize several times
also checked hosts file
nothing changes
i opened a ticked with ik support
it still open
and waiting answers
and people
did you have same issues
who can help me here