Hi all,
I downloaded Amplitube 5 CS last night to give this a try. Quickly got up and running, but realized the library / plug-in was on my internal drive. Moved it manually to my external, then lost present and functionality in the DAW (Reaper).
Tried multiple ways to uninstall and reinstall AT5 then the broader product manager. Used the uninstaller and manual action, rebooted, etc. and it seemed I had removed the product manager/AT5/CS.
Upon reinstallation, the roduct manager says AP5 is installed, but I do not see it anywhere on the system. I seem to have successfully reinstalled CS.
Super frustrating, likely I am missing a simple solution, but it is not obvious. Seems a pretty big hassle to just try and move the library.
I am on a 2019 iMac running Catalina. Thanks for any help.