Help! Amplitube having trouble with CC values...

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Help! Amplitube having trouble with CC values...

Postby bryanm » Mon Feb 10, 2020 5:15 am


I am having difficulty controlling Amplitube 4(latest version) with my midi footswitches. What is happening is that it responds to program change messages fine, no problems, but CC values are a different story. I send Amplitube operating as a VST in reaper cc values and it clearly learns them. For example I want to be trigger the global parameters such as bypassing an effect slot and It learns and lists the received values but then won't actually react to them after they have been learned. So the learning goes fine but the action never works. Any ideas what this could be? How can it receive the message enough to learn it but then not trigger the action its just learned?

Softstep-->SSCOM-->ReaperMidi track-->Amplitube

SSCOM is the midi port for the Softstep which sends the CCs to a midi track that then has a send to an audio track with Amplitube running as a vst effect. Baffled as to why this doesn't work after learning the message.

Reaper 6
Windows 10
Amplitube 4 all latest versions.
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Re: Help! Amplitube having trouble with CC values...

Postby stateofepicicity » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:54 pm

Not sure if this will help, but if you're using the VST, try the VST3 instead, or vice versa. I've found a couple of bugs to be resolved this way.

For Global, I've found using a CC to control Present Next / Previous switching has to be cleared and relearned for each session with the VST3. It's a bug, so it may be the same with the parameters you're trying to store.

As an alternative, if you do want to run it as a plugin in Reaper, you may try using Reaper automation mapping instead. That way Reaper takes care of it and the settings will store with your session. It's been a long time since I've done that, but I do know it stores just fine when the internal controls for Amplitube aren't storing in the VST instances.

I haven't tested it, but I'm suspecting the MIDI features might in general be tested most thoroughly to work in the standalone, so, if you're okay to use this without other plugins for realtime MIDI control, you might give that a try.

Best of luck!
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Re: Help! Amplitube having trouble with CC values...

Postby bryanm » Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:19 pm

Thanks for the good suggestion. I haven't gotten very far trying to use the reaper automation. That seems to be harder to set up and the signals don't seem to reach the plugin for some reason but I will try that if your suggestion doesn't work. The soft step has so many options that I would think that if anything can adapt to make it work then that should be able to do it.

Any other good suggestions folks?

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Re: Help! Amplitube having trouble with CC values...

Postby DarkStar » Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:54 pm

There are various ways of automating AT4 using MIDI CC messages in Reaper:

1) use AT4's own MIDI Learn (user manual 13.2)
Send CC messages into Reaper to AT4 and use AT4's MIDI Learn to assign the CC# messages to a control. That way Reaper knows nothing about any automation and just passes the MIDI CC messages on. Please note that a Reaper track must be RecArmed, with Input Monitoring enabled and with the MIDI controller device selected as the Input so that it receives the MIDI. That MIDI must then be Sent to the track with AT4 on it.

2) use Reaper's parameter automation
AT4 provides 16 assignable Automation parameters; these are the ones that can be controlled by this method. In AT4, assign the desired target control to one of these 16 parameters (AT4 manual, 14.1).

Then in Reaper, (this takes longer to read than to do):
-- make sure that, in Preferences, the MIDI controller device is enable for Control (and for input if you want to use if for MIDI notes and CCs),
-- open the AT4 GUI,
-- click on [Param] above the GUI, select "FX parameter lists", then "Learn" and the appropriate one of the 16 parameters,
-- twiddle the knob/fader on your MIDI controller and you should see details of the MIDI CC message appear,
-- set the other options, especially Soft Takeover, as needed.
Loads of details are in the Reaper User Guide, chapter 18, especially 18.29.

3) use Reaper's MIDI Link

AT4 provides 16 assignable Automation parameters; these are the ones that can be controlled by this method. In AT4, assign the desired target control to one of these 16 parameters (AT4 manual, 14.1).

Then, in Reaper:
-- make sure that, in Preferences, the MIDI controller device is enable for Input (and for Control if you want to use if for parameter automation),
-- RecArm the track, select the MIDI controller as the input device, enable Input Monitoring if needed
-- open the AT4 GUI,
-- click on [Param] above the GUI, select "FX parameter lists", then ""Parameter modulation / MIDI Link" and the appropriate one of the 16 parameters,
-- in the pop-up window, click "Link from MIDI or FX parameter",
-- click (none), then "CC" and the appropriate CC number,
-- note that here you can also set the baseline, offset and scale values, so your hardware knob / fader can control just part of the parameters range, with more precision.
Loads of details are in the Reaper User Guide, chapter 19, especially 19.12.

DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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