Interesting/Odd/Maybe Normal behaviour Fender 2 Tweed Amps

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Interesting/Odd/Maybe Normal behaviour Fender 2 Tweed Amps

Postby pjcass1981 » Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:33 am

So I basically live in the Fender 2 collection for my amp tones and am always discovering new shades of tweed like so many of you I'm sure.

Here's what I am wondering...

If you run the 57 Pro, for example, and start dialing in the bass, listen what happens to the amp when the bass control is maxed out (very very end of the dial). It's like a complete tonal shift or an overall adjustment to the "Q" of the entire tone of the amp. This happens on other models such as the Tweed Twin. I am wondering if this is done intentionally to mimic an actual behaviour of the real amps. I have never played through an 50's Fender tweed amp, so maybe someone who has can chime in. Or check out what I describe above and tell me if I'm losing my mind. I do enjoy it for a certain effect but it does seem slightly strange that the last little push on the dial creates such a dramatic change in the amps.
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