by cu1723 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 10:38 am
I want to use Amplitube standalone for live.
First I need
* Master section
Like in GuitarGig, there should be a Mastersection, where you can put some Elements (for me I need 31 GrafikEq and Compressor). If I change the Preset, the Mastersection should not be changed. So I can adjust all my presets to the current room - only by changing the Mastersection.
Also there should be a possibility to change the MasterVolume by Midi (not Preset). For now it is not working. I CAN assign a Midicontroller to the MasterVolume - BUT: it will change Values from 0db (12 o'clock) to full. the Highst Value must be 0dB.
* I miss more Modulations, Delays and especially Reverbs. The Reverb is realy not good.
For now Im using Gitperformer to insert 3party VST3 Reverbs, Modulation and Delays
Maybe this would be nice, if I could use my VST3 IN Amplitube (like in Revalver - but VST3)
There are some nice Modulations in Amplitube - but in Mono (stompboxes) - If they where in Stereo (and all other components Like Amps and Cabinets) would be in stereo, too, it would be (for me) a step in the right direction. TH-U works like that - If you have a Chorus in front of your AMP, the Signal is stereo.
* Change preset should not kill the signal
If I have a long Delay or Reverb, and I change the preset, the delay/Reverb should continue to run. This would be much smoother.
* Sound (?)
For my ears nearly every Sound has too much in 3kHz. I have an EQ inserted in the insert where I always lower the 3kHz (nearly 3db).
Also the 100Hz often are a litte bit to much for my ears (but not so often)
Thank you for reading this!