Tonex pedal double switch

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Tonex pedal double switch

Postby poulpm » Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:54 pm

When you press the two switches simultaneously for bank up or down, the pedal changes bank, but the 3 presets are not activated until you press one of the presets. Would it be possible to get a double switch external pedal to behave the same way. Maybe in a firmware upgrade. In this way, it is possible to step up several banks before activating a preset and the original preset would be active until the switch. Hope it is understandable what I am trying to explain.
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Re: Tonex pedal double switch

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:52 pm

Seems you can? From the External Control section of the TONEX Pedal User Manual:

Connect a Double Switch pedal to the EXT. CONTROL to browse among PRESETs or BANKs more easily.

To setup a Double Switch pedal do as follows:

1. Hook it up to the EXT. CONTROL in the rear panel.
2. Hold the MODEL encoder and choose GLOBAL SETUP.
3. Select EXT. CTRL and choose N.O. DUAL SWITCH, if your double switch pedal is normally open or N.C. DUAL SWITCH, if your double switch pedal is normally closed.
4. In the GLOBAL SETUP browse to DUAL SWITCH MODE and choose BANK, if you want to use your double switch pedal to move among BANKs or PRESET, if you want it to move among PRESETs.
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Re: Tonex pedal double switch

Postby poulpm » Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:14 am

Hi Peter_IK

Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly. The way you explain to me the use of a double switch is also the way I use it, but the way it reacts is not the same as on the pedal. I will try to explain what I mean. If I use preset A in bank 1 and press switch B and C on the tonex pedal to jump to bank 2 all diodes A, B and C will start flashing and my previous preset is still active until I press either switch A, B or C for a new preset. This gives me the opportunity to choose which preset A, B and C I want to use. The way bank switching works with a double switch is if I use preset A in Bank 1 and jump to bank 2 by pressing my double switch preset A in bank 2 will immediately be active. The way the tonex pedal bank shift works allows me to jump from a preset A in bank 1 for example to preset C in bank 5. Hope what I'm trying to explain makes some sense.
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Re: Tonex pedal double switch

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:47 pm

I believe it should work the same as with the steps supplied in the manual I do not see a preset change being transmitted in that macro. If you are having trouble beyond that I'd suggest consulting IK Support for more direct technical support so they can assist and get to the bottom of your issue.
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