Sampletanks makes Cantabile systematically crash

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Sampletanks makes Cantabile systematically crash

Postby JoopJoop » Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:17 pm

I am using Cantabile Pro. As a standard approach instruments are set in racks, which may be embedded to an embedded rack, so that they can be shared between songs. In such a way memory load can be limited with long set-lists.

I would like to use Sampletank in such an embedded Rack, however I can use just 1 instrument per song, otherwise I get a crash of Cantabile. This happens with e.g. 3 instruments ( Yamaha C7, CP70, Rhodes) in sampletank, but also if I set-u 3 instances of sampletank in the rack.

I actually would like to open a ticket with IK, but I do not see were I can do this.
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Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:40 pm

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