heathweber wrote:Cubase was the original MIDI sequencer program from back in the eighties.
I started using Cakewalk Pro Audio back in 1995 and used it for about 20 years. I think the problem with Reaper was, at least when I was using it was that it quantized the pitchwheel data as well as the note data, so it threw away most of the nuances of the data stream a pitchwheel can generate. That also opened it up to throwing away the return to zero when you let go of the pitchwheel and throwing the pitch off for the rest of the notes afterwards.
The cool thing about Studio One is they capture all controller data, including pitchwheel data, not as MIDI values, but as automation data and the data is mapped out in the editor using spline lines where you can add data points, delete data points, modify the curves by adjusting the data points, etc., instead of trying to manually modify limited pitchwheel MIDI values (-8192 to +8191).
Since Studio One is Cubase's little brother, does Cubase handle pitchwheel and controller data in the same way?
BTW, MODO Drum is great, I've been using it since it came out... Before MODO BASS came out I used a plugin that sounds like billion and after MODO Drum came out I stopped using a plugin that sounds like breezy bummer...