Hi mike_jf
Thanks so much for the listen and the f/b. Hey, I’d take any nod towards King Crimson or Pink Floyd all day long! Funny you should mention KC as I’m stoked to catch BEAT next month….weird how that connects.

Anyhow, really glad you enjoyed it!
I do try to take the listener on a journey as well as mix up styles and influences both across songs and within. Some attempts are more successful than others, of course - I think this is one of the better ones and it wouldn’t have been so without CS’s involvement.
Thanks so much!
Also, I’ve started to check out your tracks on SC and am blown away with the musicianship and breadth of styles of music there. I plan on diving deeper into your SC channel and I'm a follower now. If you are inclined to check out more of mine, you might enjoy:
Analemma (one of my favourite vibe developments hits in this song at 2:24)
Todo Lo Que Necesita Es
Story of My Life
10 Storeys (I’d say very Floydie guitar leads)
Walkin’ Away
Here (Take Offence) - Post CS
…but this is only based on what I hear you doing & I could be way off. These have all been previously put up on the IK Forum which can be handy for finding details about them. I only have a free SC account so if a new one is posted….well, an oldie has gotta go!