I've recently got a bunch of IK Multimedia products in the group buy, and left them to download overnight after setting the download path to my dedicated sample drive which has around 600GB free space left. My C: drive is a 240GB, with, last night, about 30GB left of free space on it.
I came back to it this morning to be greeted with an error telling me it ran out of available space. It appears it's been downloading to the public documents folder on my C: drive instead of my sample drive. I double checked in the settings to make sure I hadn't forgotten to click 'OK' or something, but it all seems correctly set up. Is there anything I can do, or am I simply not going to be able to download without having free space on C:?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I just noticed that by clicking "more options" on the individual sound content packs, I can choose where to install it. Trying it now, so I guess I'll find out in a few hours. Apologies if the post is for nothing!