I run windows 10, i5 processor, 16 GB RAM. My DAW is Cakewalk. In 2021, I bought Amplitube 5 SE for $99. It came with Sampletank 4.1.4- a free, limited version. Not many instruments, but the ones they had sound really good and I used it a lot. It always worked perfectly. I've also downloaded tons of plugins and rarely had any problems. About a week ago, when the IK site offered a free upgrade to version 4.2.4, I downloaded it-the site said "successful download." Cakewalk recognized it and didn't show any problems. But when I tried to open it in a new project, I got this error message: "VST plug-in error. The following vst plug-in failed to load c:\programfiles\commonfiles\vst3\sampletank4.vst3 Sampletank." Worse yet, I have Many projects that use sampletank and now none of them open normally. Very stressful for me, my friends & clients. I contacted ik support a week ago and haven't heard back. I know they're busy, but I want to reach out in as many ways as possible. If I could just get it back to how it was, I'd be happy. But I'm more of a player than a computer guy, and if I try to roll things back without advice, I will definately make things worse.
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thanks.